Episode 7

Published on:

26th Mar 2021

Connecting with Home

This week is unique as we interview a former teacher and student from TDSS, Karen McBride who is also an author. Needless to say, our co-hosts, teacher Courtney Barker and her students Avery Winters and Brie Gibson were very excited to connect with Karen again and to talk about her book, Crow Winter. 

Music Credits


Written by William Prince © 2020 William Prince Music Inc. (SOCAN) / KMR Music Royalties II SCSp (ASCAP), Administered by Kobalt Songs Music Publishing (ASCAP), and Scott Nolan © Scott Nolan (SOCAN)

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About the Podcast

Word Up
Let's Share Our Stories. Let's Learn from Each Other. Let's See Where the Discussion Takes Us.
Richard Wagamese wrote that the stories we tell create the world we live in and when we share these stories we see each other. And when we see each other we can change the world.

So Can we talk? And get to know each other so that we can learn from each other.

Let’s start with me - I’m Erin Buchmann, the host of WordUp the podcast that I hope you will be listening to and I’m the Indigeous Instructional Coach for District School Board Ontario North East. I’m not Indigenous. I start with this because I want to make sure that you understand that when I say - we are all in this together - you know that I am learning with you through this podcast.

Because we are all in this together as we learn about our collective history and prepare our youth to create a new future story.

Because talking reminds of who we are and who we might become.

Because words matter. They shape how we think about each other and ourselves. And what we think shapes how we act.

Because we can do better. And as educators this is our call to action to educate ourselves, elevate the conversation and celebrate culture.

Each podcast I will be joined by a co-host from one of our schools and a special guest to talk about their work as an Indigenous author, artist or community leader. Some conversations will be hard, some will be funny and some will leave with more questions than answers. But they will all be authentic.

So I’m asking you to raise your words, participate in the conversation and follow us on Twitter and Instagram @2020wordup.

About your host

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Chad Mowbray